
Partial and complete painting / special painting

Whether damage removal or cosmetic repair, we paint your vehicle in our paint shop using professional methods. Thanks to the latest technologies and computer-based color determination, we can give your car perfect paint quality again in no time. We implement partial, full and special paint for you.

Paint damage removal

Scratches, dents, dents or rust damage: we will remedy all defects and your vehicle will be given a professional paint job. We only use high quality paints to get a brilliant result.


Professional removal of small paint damage. Only the immediate area and the scratch itself are treated. This means faster processing and completion than with paintwork.

Body work

Possible body work includes bulging, sandblasting and filling, depending on the extent of the damage, in order to prepare the paint as well as possible

Estimate according to DAT

The variety of data and the many years of know-how of DAT are bundled. a. an exact identification of vehicles via VIN query, the creation of repair cost calculations, used vehicle evaluations, key figure analyzes and residual value forecasts.

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